Rental terms of rent


• Rental without driver and without fuel with unlimited mileage. The rented vehicle must absolutely be used on the Island of Ischia. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to transfer it to the mainland.

• The rental period is 24 hours. The 24 hours of the first rental day start at 9:30 AM and end at 9:30 AM the following day. The same rule applies to rentals starting at intermediate times, including afternoon.

• During the month of August, no offers are available and rentals must last a minimum of 5 days.

• To rent, you must have held a category B driving license for at least 3 years for cars and at least 1 year for scooters.

• A credit card is also required or, alternatively, a debit card on which a pre-authorization will be made as a security deposit.

• Pickup and drop-off of the vehicle at our headquarters must occur during opening hours.

• For deliveries in the municipalities of Ischia, Casamicciola, and Lacco Ameno, an additional fee is charged for delivery and pickup. We reserve the right, upon request by email, to accept deliveries outside our locations or the above-mentioned municipalities.

• The car/scooter must be driven exclusively by the contract signer. It is strictly forbidden for other individuals to use it.

• The insurance included in the cost is the standard third-party liability (R.C.A.). For cars, an “additional” insurance can be purchased at a cost of €8.00 more per day with a deductible of €300-500 (depending on the type of car) in case of accident/damage. This is not available for scooters.

• The customer must check the conditions of the car/scooter before renting; any damage not reported will be charged to the customer. The customer is also required to inform the rental company of any incidents occurring during the rental period, even those of minor importance that did not cause damage to property, people, or animals. The customer is also responsible for any fines incurred with the rented car/scooter during the rental period and must inform the rental company upon return of any unpaid fines and reimburse the rental company for the necessary amount. If this is not done, upon notification of the fine, the rental company will notify the responsible customer via registered mail, which will also serve as a formal notice to pay the necessary amount for the fine and the cost of the registered mail.

• In case of non-payment, the rental company will address the competent Judicial Authority for full satisfaction of the amount due, in addition to legal expenses. The competent court for any disputes is Naples.

• For any breakdowns that may occur to the car/scooter during the rental, call the management, which will take the necessary measures, as any expenses incurred by the customer will not be reimbursed.

For more information call us at +39 081991141

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